OncoEng+ Network provides a co-ordinated mechanism to foster external engagement with key stakeholders in the UK and abroad. This is a global network created from disparate activities to foster this new research domain sitting at the interface of engineering, surgical oncology and biomedical sciences. OncoEng+ will seek to build on existing European Networks, researchers in Australia (Tipper) and USA (Sawyer) with an interest in oncological engineering, as well as allied activities such as Additive Manufacturing (e.g. Uppsala Competence Centre) and Spinal Modelling (e.g. ETH Zurich). Summer Schools will be open to members of OncoEng+. OncoEng+ will facilitate the KES. To aid the development of OncoEng+ there are a number key activities which include:
The Initial Kick-off Meetings
Stakeholder meetings which take place on an annual basis (see Work plan). Two stakeholder meetings will focus on patients/clinicians and two for industry/regulatory personnel and will include invited UK researchers. These meetings allow OncoEng to gain input from a wider group of stakeholders than those that sit on the AB. The meetings will be focused on a particular topic and relate to aspects sought by the stakeholder groups. Participation will be limited to ensure a good balance of stakeholders.
Horizon Scanning Exercises which take place annually and will seek to identify new technologies and/or research avenues that might be relevant to OncoEng such as a competitor or a useful tool for accelerating R&I.
Annual Conference – a series of 4 x 1 day events (2 delivered on line) will be held with our established EU partners, international collaborators and industry.