Research Challenges: Development and Assessment of MII Build Technology

3D printing revolutionises medical device technology by allowing personalised devices to be created within a short period of time, and at lower costs than traditional manufacturing methods. OncoEng aims to utilise 3D printing to create minimally invasive implants (MII) out of metamaterials. These are materials created from an array of lattices, that change the nature … Read more

OncoEng Kickoff Meeting

The 10th of June marked the beginning of OncoEng, in which academics, early-stage researchers, patient advocates, and representatives from invested companies met in Weetwood Hall, Leeds for the kick-off meeting. The day began with a welcome and overview of the £7 million project, by Prof. Richard Hall, before Prof. David Sebag-Montefiore, the director of Leeds … Read more

Mass customisation of patient implants

Customized patient implants have been shown to improve patient outcomes but they typically require increased preoperative assessment, involve longer lead times, and are burdened with higher costs all of which have prevented widespread adoption. To attain the benefits of patient-specific implants, whilst avoiding the limitations of currently available solutions, fully automated design and manufacture product … Read more